Mission Science Jamaica 2nd Edition

Mission: Science Student’s Books, Workbooks and Teacher’s Guides for Grades 4, 5 and 6 have been revised and updated to give you everything you need to prepare for PEP. New to this edition The 2nd edition Workbooks are now in stimulating full colour and offer: • A revision bank at the end of each unit with ‘at-a-glance’ content coverage perfect for preparing for the PEP curriculum-based test, plus practical revision tips that develop revision skills • A new practice performance task per unit, giving your pupils practice in this kind of assessment, as well as consolidating their learning • Three PEP-style end-of-term tests and PEP-style practice test papers to check progress and give pupils familiarity with the style of assessment • An extra revision section with a self-review section to assess pupils’ confidence level with each topic, advice on revision strategies and techniques, preparing for and sitting the exam, how to tackle the various types of questions and practical revision tips.