Discover Science
Discover Science turns primary school students into CSEC level scientists through enquiry-based and STEAM approaches. With Discover Science, students are involved in active learning supported by clear colourful diagrams and activities designed to encourage and inspire. Every unit follows carefully constructed cycles of learning that take students from the intorduction of a concept through to test practice. Project work gives students opportunities to reflect on their learning experiences along the way. Key features include STEAM stamp to show the range of skills engaged in an activity. Research icon to prompt further investigation where further investigation is needed. Workbook references to show associated activity or helpful guidance. Longer exam practice at the end of each section written to each familiarity with CSEC style questionining. Each of section revision activity and end of section project to encourage effective revision habits. Introductory sentence designed to show studnets why it is important they learn and understand the topic. Mini-objectives, breaking down the unit objectives into manageable sections. Talking points to inspire discussion among classmates to consolidate learning. Comprehensive online Teacher's Guide to support planning and teaching across the course.